Our journey of iterating our website taught us the value of gradual improvements and staying close to our customers. By systematically collecting and analyzing feedback, we've refined our messaging and enhanced the user experience, ensuring consistency and clarity across all pages.
Hey everyone!
I wanted to share our journey of iterating on our website since we started our company. Looking back at our first design, I can't help but laugh—I have no idea what I was thinking back then! As an e-commerce agency, our first version was a simple template, and it showed.
Over the months, we continually refined our site based on invaluable feedback. We received great suggestions on everything from copywriting to design. The challenge was figuring out the right pace for these iterations. While we shipped product updates weekly, we wondered if the same frequency was necessary for our website, especially since our traffic was still growing.
We eventually pivoted and had to overhaul everything—SEO, copywriting, images—you name it. This major shift meant we couldn’t maintain the weekly iteration schedule. So, we scrapped all the pages except the landing page and decided to build it up gradually as we gathered new information.
Whenever we added new content, I would tweak the designs. We started with the essentials: an about us page, a pricing page, and slowly expanded. As we did demos and created LinkedIn content, our media assets grew, and we could enhance the website bit by bit. Instead of trying to do it all at once (which didn’t go well before), we focused on consistency and matching themes across all pages.
Here’s a great example of our blog—before and after the redesign.
And that’s been our process. I’m still iterating but also trusting this gradual approach, which is definitely less stressful. Thought I’d share with you all!
Some Lessons we learned when creating our website content:
One of the biggest lessons we’ve learned is the importance of staying close to our customers. From the early days to now, we prioritize direct interaction with our clients. Through 1:1 demos and regular check-ins, we understand which features they find most beneficial and why. This dialogue informs our copywriting, using their own words to enhance our messaging.
To continuously refine our messaging and positioning, we actively engage with our existing users. Here’s a detailed look at our process:
Feedback is a continuous process of learning and improving. We treat feedback as a valuable resource and a growth opportunity. We remain open-minded, curious, and humble when receiving feedback and strive to be respectful, constructive, and specific when providing feedback to others.
Here's our current website: